Iberian Motoring Events Mission Statement
To never under-estimate the importance of a welcoming, secure hotel or restaurant.
To select a route that will not 'break' cars. We aim to get every car to the finish, undamaged.
To run a time schedule that allows crews to breakfast, stop for mid-morning coffee and enjoy a late lunch. A schedule that allows people time to 'sight see' or just relax. A schedule that allows people to prepare for and enjoy dinner.
To restrict our entries to a number where everyone can get to know everyone else.
The 'big' promoters like big entries as they are very profitable but a crew entering such an event on their own, and not in a group, can find them to be a lonely experience.
To not define classics by age - we do not believe that "age alone a classic makes" - we accept all classics / sportscars from Vintage to current models.
To promote an event that will appeal to a wide range of enthusiastic motorists; from the 'elbows out' drivers who want to 'exercise' their cars right through to the crews who just want to drive some of the most scenic and deserted roads you will find in Europe. We put a tremendous amount of time and research into our route selections to source the most rewarding roads we can find - all we ask is that you follow and, we hope, enjoy them.
To provide route instructions in the clearest, most easy-to-follow format we can - it is never our intention to get you lost!
And finally, to always be available to answer any question or resolve any problems.
Your organiser will always be very visible and is there to help you where needed.
Tour do Algarve 2025
April 28, 2025 10:00 am