In response to growing activity in the classic car world a new club for classic car enthusiasts in Andalucia was formed in 2008.
The ‘Classic and Sports-Car Club of Andalucia’ was formed in September 2008 and now has near 400 full members with more applying every day, making it by far the most successful Classic and Sports-Car Club in the area and, probably, in Spain.
The ‘Classic and Sports-Car Club of Andalucia’ is a members club to which membership is limited. However, qualification for membership is simple and is open to classic and sports-car enthusiasts that enjoy driving through the beautiful Andalucian countryside, travelling to unique restaurants and interesting destinations whilst enjoying good food and wines and, more important, good company! The club is very much for classic and sports-car ‘users’ and ‘drivers’ and is proud of that.
The club has been organising monthly "Runs" since its inception always ending with a social dinner at a local restaurant. It became apparent that many club members wanted something longer that a day run so, in 2012 a 5 day tour was arranged; and it proved to be the first of many covering many parts of Spain and Portugal!
However all activity ceased due COVID but now the Tours are back!!
Iberian Motoring Events sl has been created specifically to run these tours and events in association with the Classic and Sports car Club of Andalucia but they are now OPEN TO ALL!! Anybody with a love of classic and sports cars, driving through spectacular countryside, dining well and socialising with new found friends, is welcome!
You will find details of our Tours past & present on the Events page.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Ian & Carol Giles and Steven & Lynne Robinson